Sequence of Analysis

1. Let the market stretch
2. Support / Resistance
3. Price Actions
4. MACD / Stochastic
5. Overbought / oversold - two long candle (hourly / 4H / Daily

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Does the crowds really determine the market directions ?

Yes!! For a long long time we are being brainwashed by the notions that the crowds determine the market directions and of course the basis of this belief stemmed out from the fundamental economic principle that the crowds always win which is true. Most novice traders like I once was truly believe that's how it goes just follow the crowds and you will win. Sound very familiar?

After years of observation and learning I've come to understand that is NOT really the case although it maybe true at some points. The real forex market is a constant manipulation by the market maker at every time frames and to bring losses to the major traders so that they could make money. 

For example a clear bullish trend maybe clouded by constant manipulated fluctuations to confuse the traders. They can do this at will and most people will be subdued by the tricks - especially traders with stop losses and profit target being sets. No matter how reasonable you may expect your stop losses point it usually always got hit and you lose. Likewise when you set a target profit line - the market maker will make it harder for you to achieve it or taking sweet times to play the fluctuation games until you set it lower. They will get to your nerve on multiple attempts until you surrender - that is happening 24/7 constantly. 

They are some so called forex trading experts on live YouTube analysis - playing the price actions strategy using 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes time frames. Quite a number of winning trades their strategy looks promising especially on live making it so believable - but beware it will not last for long if you apply the same technique. 

The reasons being are the price actions doesn't always buy low and sell high or vice versa. In reality very often you will find flat market situations that obviously no low no high. Secondly the market maker will target your stop losses because price action methods require it to prevent heavy losses - once you get the hang of winning with your strategy they will focus on poaching your trades. Eventually your confidence will be worn-out and rethinking of new strategy.

So who really determine the market directions is not the crowd although it happens but most of the times is manipulated by the market maker. 

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